ITT Conference 2021

Conference Format

The conference sessions take place on the mornings of 12 and 13 September.

Conference Theme
We Will Never Take Travel For Granted Again. There is a famous proverb by Thomas Fuller, “We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.” It is only once privileges are gone that we realise their importance.  

The coronavirus pandemic has made us appreciate the simple freedoms that we once took for granted. We will never again underestimate the value of travelling to new places, meeting new people, learning about different cultures, exploring local foods and trying new experiences. Nor will we overlook hugging loved ones, going for impromptu socials with friends or other daily routines.  

At the ITT Conference, speakers will reflect on the opportunities we have to revise our attitudes and to treasure these precious moments. What will we take forward once the world opens up again?