ABTA The Travel Convention

The UK travel industry's flagship event: where conversations, connections and ideas happen

Lead partner

As the Lead partner, your logo forms part of the Convention branding as a composite logo, so it always appears alongside the Convention logo ‘in association with…’. As the Lead partner, a wide and high profile range of branding opportunities will be available prior to and during the Convention.

The Lead partner will have exclusivity in its specific area of expertise. No direct competitors will be permitted to book any official sponsorships.

Package details

  • Networking – two reserved tables (or similar, subject to event format) at the Host Party for your team to host business colleagues. 
  • Content development – you will be invited to suggest content ideas for the business sessions.
  • Speaker – the opportunity to provide a main stage speaker to fit with the agreed theme (speaker and topic to be approved by ABTA).
  • Editorial – editorial features in the registration brochure, Convention programme and an edition of Convention E-news (sent to approx. 14,000 contacts including ABTA’s membership).
  • Convention materials branding – your logo as well as the composite logo on all Convention materials including: digital and printed brochures; website, app and Convention E-news (sent weekly to approx. 9000 contacts including ABTA’s membership).
  • Convention centre branding – your logo as well as the composite logo on the Convention Centre signage and all other Convention Partner branding within this Centre.
  • Main stage acknowledgement – your logo as well as the composite logo on the stage set; your support will be acknowledged by the Convention moderator (event start) and ABTA Chairman (event close). Any video stings produced by ABTA for the business sessions will include the composite logo.
  • Video advertising – your two-minute commercial will be shown during the opening session. This video, or an alternative video, will also be played on the second morning. 
  • Advertising – advertising space in the Convention programme; banner ad space on the Convention website; an advertisement on the Convention App and on an edition of Convention E-news.
  • Announcement – ABTA will issue a press release to announce your partnership. A Convention E-news will lead with the announcement of your support and this will coincide with Twitter announcements by ABTA and The Travel Convention.
  • Website / Convention App – pages on the Convention website and Convention App providing the opportunity to add your company logo, profile and a link to your website.
  • Attending the Convention – four complimentary delegate registrations (accommodation and flights not included).
  • Delegate list – the delegate list will be made available (includes opt-in contact details only).



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