ABTA The Travel Convention

The UK travel industry's flagship event: where conversations, connections and ideas happen

Terms and conditions of registration for The Travel Convention

The Travel Convention is a trading name of ABTA Limited.

  1. To register you must complete an online registration.
  2. By registering online you have agreed to accept these terms and conditions and your confirmation of registration will be issued immediately. A contract will exist between you and ABTA Limited as soon as your confirmation of registration is issued on the following terms and conditions.

  3. Full remittance of registration fees must accompany online bookings.

  4. To qualify for the ABTA member or Partner registration fee, you must be an ABTA member or Partner, or be directly employed by an ABTA member or Partner, and the relevant annual membership/Partner subscription fees must be up‐to‐date at the time you register.

  5. Other delegates, employed by associated companies or as professional advisers to the member or Partner company, will be considered non‐members or non-Partners and must pay the appropriate fees.

  6. Where a registration contains misrepresentations about entitlement to the ABTA member or Partner registration fee, ABTA Limited reserves the right to render the booking invalid and all registration fees will be forfeit.

  7. Misrepresentation about your registration status as an ABTA member or Partner will also entitle ABTA Limited to cancel all other registrations made on behalf of the registered organisation concerned and registration fees will be forfeit.

  8. Delegates may be required to satisfy ABTA Limited of their registration status. Failure to do so will render their registration invalid.

  9. A companion refers to a delegate’s spouse/partner rather than a business colleague or other associate.  Anyone sharing accommodation with a registered delegate (that is not a delegate in their own right) must be registered as a companion for The Travel Convention, regardless of whether they are attending any elements of the event.

  10. For delegates with accompanying children, the companion fee will apply to children aged 16 or 17.  Children under the age of 16 are asked not to attend any of The Travel Convention activities as they are deemed unsuitable for children.

  11. ABTA Limited reserves the right to pass on increases in taxation or duties should they occur between time of booking and The Travel Convention.

  12. Delegate materials will not be despatched until full payment, including any amendment fees, has been received by ABTA Limited.

  13. Cancellations made on or before 1 July 2024 will receive a refund of the registration fee amount paid including any deposit. However, the refund will be subject to an administration charge of £100 per delegate. In the event of late arrival, unattended events or cancellation of attendance after 1 July 2024, no refunds will be granted and any outstanding amounts will be deemed as owing to ABTA Limited.

  14. Delegates wishing to amend their registration on or after 2 July 2024 will incur an amendment fee of £50 on each occasion that an amendment is made, to cover the administration involved. Written notification to ABTA Limited via email at moreinfo@thetravelconvention.com is required for all requests for substitutions or amendments. Please attach a copy of your confirmation of registration to the notification.

  15. Delegates wishing to replace lost badges on‐site will incur a fee of £5.00. For security reasons, access will not be permitted to official Travel Convention activities without an official badge.

  16. Many of the services associated with The Travel Convention are provided by the local host committee and various suppliers of The Travel Convention services and ABTA Limited has no control over the operations, personnel and equipment of these suppliers.  As such, subject to clause 18 below, in no event shall ABTA Limited or any of its officers, directors, members, contractors or employees assume responsibility, or be liable, for any personal injury, property damage, or other loss which may be occasioned by reason of: wrongful or negligent acts or omissions on the part of the local host committee, any of the suppliers, or any employees of the suppliers, or sponsors or organisers of private functions; any defect or failure of any vehicle or other equipment owned, operated or otherwise used by the local host committee, or any of the suppliers or sponsors or organisers of private functions; any wrongful or negligent acts or omissions on the part of any other party not under the direct control of ABTA Limited.

  17. Further to the above clause, and for clarification, excursions or other tours that you may choose to book either now or whilst you are at The Travel Convention, are not part of the arrangements provided by ABTA Limited. Your contract for the excursion or tour will be with the operator of the excursion or tour. ABTA Limited is not responsible for the excursion or tour or for anything that happens during the course of its provision by the operator.

  18. The exclusions and limitations of a party’s liability shall not apply in the case of: 1. the tort of deceit or fraudulent misrepresentation by it or its personnel; 2. death or personal injury caused by its negligence; or a breach by that party of obligations implied by the law.

  19. In the event of the occurrence or, in ABTA Limited’s reasonable opinion, the likelihood of the occurrence, of any extraordinary risk of injury or damage (including but not limited to any acts of god, fires, explosions, earthquakes, floods, elements, volcanic eruptions, strikes, riots, civil commotion¹s, epidemics/pandemics, change of government advice/regulations, war, rebellion, or harmful acts for political, terrorist or other similar purposes), ABTA Limited reserves the right to assess the risk of injury or damage and, at ABTA Limited's sole discretion, to determine whether to cancel or otherwise limit The Travel Convention activities. Should The Travel Convention be cancelled or limited in accordance with this clause, ABTA Limited's liability will be limited to the registration fees paid at that time.

  20. ABTA is happy for private events to take place during The Travel Convention, provided they do not clash with the Business Sessions, Refreshment Breaks, Opening Ceremony, Welcome Party, Farewell Party, Breakfast Briefings or the Convention Bar.  Any organisation hosting a private event that clashes with the official programme will be barred from future Travel Conventions.

  21. The sale of The Travel Convention related sponsorship via a third party is not permitted. This policy will be strictly monitored and failure to adhere will result in your organisation’s delegates having their registration(s) revoked and may render your organisation being unable to register for future ABTA Limited events.

  22. It is strictly prohibited for any organisation or individual to make use of The Travel Convention logo or any part of it without prior written authorisation from ABTA Limited. Guidelines for use of the logo by those authorised to do so may be obtained from ABTA Limited.

  23. The Travel Convention is a business event and as such delegates are expected to behave in a professional and courteous manner at all times towards our hosts, staff and all other delegates.

  24. ABTA Limited reserves the right to change the programme as outlined in The Travel Convention literature and on this website.

  25. Photography:

    Delegates attending The Travel Convention may be featured in videos, photographs and/or audio recording from events as part of its marketing campaigns. By attending an event, you grant us permission to use video, photograph and audio tape footage of you during the event.

    24.2 Please notify The Travel Convention team by email at moreinfo@thetravelconvention.com  if you would like to have any such photography or recording of yourself removed.

  26. Links to third party websites on this Website are provided solely for your convenience. If you use these links, you leave this Website. ABTA Limited has not reviewed all of these third party websites and does not control and is not responsible for these websites or their content or availability. ABTA Limited does not therefore endorse or make any representations about them, or any material found there, or any results that may be obtained from using them. If you decide to access any of the third party websites linked to this Website, you do so entirely at your own risk.

  27. Data protection

    26.1 ABTA Ltd is the data controller and may collect personally identifiable information relating to you, a delegate, (including your name; employer’s name and address; telephone number; email address; dietary requirements and access requirements and similar).  Such information may be collected when you register online for The Travel Convention or later if you communicate with us by email. We will use this information for the purpose of administration, statistical analysis, marketing, customer service and feedback, as relevant.  More information on how ABTA processes personal data can be found in the ABTA Privacy Notice at www.abta.com/privacy-notice.

    26.2 By providing us with personal information about medical, dietary or other special needs during registration or otherwise, you consent to us passing the information on to the suppliers who will be providing the necessary services. Full details of our data protection processes can be found in our Privacy Notice at www.abta.com/privacy-notice.

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