ABTA The Travel Convention

The UK travel industry's flagship event: where conversations, connections and ideas happen

Business sessions

ABTA’s Travel Convention is recognised as the forward-looking and leading event in the travel calendar, with the business sessions providing a broad spectrum of topics and practical insights designed to help travel companies navigate the current climate and prepare for what lies ahead. The programme will have a balance of content addressing current opportunities and challenges, as well as a vision of the future.

Each year, some of the industry’s leading figures join us to share their views on the industry, while external experts deliver thought-provoking high-level content around new trends, best practice and innovations coming down the line. The two-day business programme also includes guest speakers who can inspire us to change the way we think and behave. 


The theme for this year's event is Shaping our future.

In an ever-evolving world, the actions we take today will define the trajectory of our industry for years to come. 'Shaping our future' is a call to action for the industry’s leaders, stakeholders and experts to come together to collaborate on forging a positive, sustainable, innovative, and resilient future. 

The business session topics will guide us to shape an industry that takes control, thrives, and leads with purpose.

Four pillars

This year’s agenda will be developed around four pillars: Our world; Our industry; Your business and Your network.

Our world delves into current global events and what the future holds, helping the travel sector to grasp the broader context and adapt to changes on the horizon.

Our industry addresses current developments, emerging trends and future challenges, offering actionable advice from industry experts.

Your business highlights the world of work, our people, technological advancements, and the latest innovations coming down the line.

Your network facilitates quality time to connect with your peers and exchange ideas in business and social settings.

These pillars will ensure this year’s Convention delivers critical insights, tangible takeaways, and valuable connections to shape our future.

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